通过 frp 穿透内网访问树莓派的 aria2

Page content

几年前就已经搭建了基于树莓派 2B+ 的下载机,不过由于宽带没有外网 IP ,一直没有实现外网的访问和控制。最近花了几天空闲时间,搭建好基于 frp 的内网穿透服务。这里把搭建过程记录下来,与大家交流。

. 准备

1.1 硬件

  • Raspberry Pi: 尽量用 2B+ 或者 3B+ 等性能较好的版本
    • 树莓派上挂载了一块 1T 的移动硬盘,挂载点 /data
  • VPS: 我用的是 IonSwitch (refer link)

1.2 系统和相关软件

  • 树莓派: Raspbian Stable/Stable/Stretch
  • VPS: Debian Stable/Stretch
  • aria2
  • Aria2 Web UI AraiNg
  • 内网穿透服务 frp

1.3 域名


  • 如果是独立域名,直接在已有域名下添加 CNAME 域名。
  • 如果是动态域名,根据需要设置。

这里的使用两个域名,web.mydomain.netaria2.mydomain.net,分别对应 Web 访问和 aria2 rpc 访问。

2. 在树莓派上安装 aria2

2.1 从 Debian 源安装

# 从 Debian 源安装
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aria2

目前 Debian Stable 里面的 aria2 版本是 1.30.0;而最新版是 1.34.0,需要自己编译。

2.2 从源代码编译安装

首先下载最新的 aria2 源代码

# 源代码编译安装
# 安装需要的库
sudo apt-get -y install libxml2-dev libcppunit-dev autoconf automake autotools-dev autopoint libtool
# 下载最新版源代码,当前是 1.34.0
wget https://github.com/aria2/aria2/releases/download/release-1.34.0/aria2-1.34.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf aria2-1.34.0.tar.gz
cd aria2-1.34.0/
autoconf -i
mv src/aria2c ~/bin  # 移动 aria2c 到 $HOME/bin/ 目录下

2.3 编辑 aria2.conf 文件

mkdir $HOME/.aria2
cd $HOME/.aria2
vim aria2.conf

下面是 aria2.conf 文件。

  • 注意,rpc-secret= 需要设置一个比较长而且复杂的 token 字符串,保证安全。
  • bt-tracker= 的 BT tracker 列表可以使用 https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist ,每日更新
# Basic Options

# Download directory

# Downloads the URIs listed in FILE

# Log file

# Maximum mumber of parallel downloads
# Default 2

# Continue downloading a partially downloaded file


# Set the connect timeout in seconds to establish connection to 
# HTTP/FTP/proxy server
# default 60

# Close connection if download speed is lower than or equal to 
# this value(bytes per sec)

# The maximum number of connections to one server for each download

# Set number of tries


# Download a file using N connections.

# Set timeout in seconds
# Default 60

# BitTorrent Specific Options

# Enable Local Peer Discovery. If a private flag is set in a torrent, 
# aria2 doesn't use this feature for that download even if true is given.

# If true is given, after hash check using --check-integrity option and 
# file is complete, continue to seed file.

# Specify maximum number of files to open in multi-file 
# BitTorrent/Metalink download globally. 

# Specify the maximum number of peers per torrent. 0 means unlimited.

# Download meta data only. 
# The file(s) described in meta data will not be downloaded. 

# Set minimum level of encryption method. 
# If several encryption methods are provided by a peer, aria2 chooses 
# the lowest one which satisfies the given level. 

# Removes the unselected files when download is completed in BitTorrent.

# If true is given, aria2 doesn't accept and establish connection with 
# legacy BitTorrent handshake(\19BitTorrent protocol). 
# Thus aria2 always uses Obfuscation handshake

# If the whole download speed of every torrent is lower than SPEED, 
# aria2 temporarily increases the number of peers to try for more 
# download speed.

# Save meta data as ".torrent" file.

# Seed previously downloaded files without verifying piece hashes

# Stop BitTorrent download if download speed is 0 in consecutive SEC 
# seconds

# Comma separated list of additional BitTorrent tracker's announce URI. 
bt-tracker=<BT tracker list>

# Set the connect timeout in seconds to establish connection to tracker. 

# Change the IPv4 DHT routing table file to PATH. 
# Default: $HOME/.aria2/dht.dat

# Change the IPv6 DHT routing table file to PATH. 
# Default: $HOME/.aria2/dht6.dat

# Enable IPv4 DHT functionality

# Enable IPv6 DHT functionality

# Enable Peer Exchange extension

# If true or mem is specified, when a file whose suffix is .torrent or 
# content type is application/x-bittorrent is downloaded, aria2 parses 
# it as a torrent file and downloads files mentioned in it. 
# If mem is specified, a torrent file is not written to the disk, 
# but is just kept in memory. 
# If false is specified, the .torrent file is downloaded to the disk, 
# but is not parsed as a torrent and its contents are not downloaded. 

# Set TCP port number for BitTorrent downloads.

# Set max overall upload speed in bytes/sec. 
# 0 means unrestricted. 

# Set max upload speed per each torrent in bytes/sec. 
# 0 means unrestricted.

# Specify share ratio. 
# Seed completed torrents until share ratio reaches RATIO.

# Specify seeding time in minutes

# RPC Options

# Enable JSON-RPC/XML-RPC server. 
# It is strongly recommended to set secret authorization token 
# using --rpc-secret option. 

# Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header field with value * to 
# the RPC response.

# Listen incoming JSON-RPC/XML-RPC requests on all network interfaces

# Specify a port number for JSON-RPC/XML-RPC server to listen to
# Possible port 1024 - 65535
# rpc 默认端口是 6800,可以自行修改

# Set RPC secret authorization token.

# Advanced Options

# Restart download from scratch if the corresponding control file 
# doesn't exist

# If false is given, aria2 aborts download when a piece length is 
# different from one in a control file. 
# If true is given, you can proceed but some download progress 
# will be lost.

# Always resume download.

# Rename file name if the same file already exists
# This option works only in HTTP(S)/FTP download

# Save a control file(*.aria2) every SEC seconds
# Default 60

# Download file only when the local file is older than remote file. 
# This function only works with HTTP(S) downloads only. 

# Change the configuration file path to PATH

# Set log level to output to console. 
# LEVEL is either debug, info, notice, warn or error

# Run as daemon. 
# The current working directory will be changed to / and standard input, 
# standard output and standard error will be redirected to /dev/null

# If true is given, aria2 does not read all URIs and options from file 
# specified by --input-file option at startup, but it reads one by one 
# when it needs later. This may reduce memory usage if input file 
# contains a lot of URIs to download. 
# If false is given, aria2 reads all URIs and options at startup. 
# Default: false

# Disable IPv6. 
# This is useful if you have to use broken DNS and want to avoid 
# terribly slow AAAA record lookup. 
# Default: false

# Enable disk cache. 
# If SIZE is 0, the disk cache is disabled. 
# This feature caches the downloaded data in memory, which grows to 
# at most SIZE bytes. The cache storage is created for aria2 instance 
# and shared by all downloads.

# This option changes the way Download Results is formatted. 

# Set DSCP value in outgoing IP packets of BitTorrent traffic for QoS. 
# This parameter sets only DSCP bits in TOS field of IP packets, not 
# the whole field. 

# Enable color output for a terminal.

# Map files into memory. 
# This option may not work if the file space is not pre-allocated

# Specify file allocation method

# Save download with --save-session option even if the download is 
# completed or removed. 
# This option also saves control file in that situations. 
# This may be useful to save BitTorrent seeding which is recognized 
# as completed state

# If true is given, after hash check using --check-integrity option, 
# abort download whether or not download is complete. 

# Print sizes and speed in human readable format (e.g., 1.2Ki, 3.4Mi)
# in the console readout.

# Set maximum number of download result kept in memory. 
# The download results are completed/error/removed downloads. 
# The download results are stored in FIFO queue and it can store at most 
# NUM download results. 
# When queue is full and new download result is created, oldest download 
# result is removed from the front of the queue and new one is pushed to 
# the back. 
# Setting big number in this option may result high memory consumption 
# after thousands of downloads. 
# Specifying 0 means no download result is kept. 
# Default: 1000

# When used with --always-resume=false, aria2 downloads file from scratch 
# when aria2 detects N number of URIs that does not support resume. 
# If N is 0, aria2 downloads file from scratch when all given URIs do 
# not support resume. See --always-resume option. 
# Default: 0

# Set log level to output. 
# LEVEL is either debug, info, notice, warn or error. 
# Default: debug

# Set a piece length for HTTP/FTP downloads. 
# This is the boundary when aria2 splits a file. 
# All splits occur at multiple of this length. 
# This option will be ignored in BitTorrent downloads. 
# It will be also ignored if Metalink file contains piece hashes. 

# Show console readout

# Set interval in seconds to output download progress summary. 
# Setting 0 suppresses the output. 
# Default: 60

# Fetch URIs in the command-line sequentially and download each URI in 
# a separate session, like the usual command-line download utilities.

# Set max overall download speed in bytes/sec. 
# 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 
# To limit the download speed per download, use --max-download-limit 
# option

# Set max download speed per each download in bytes/sec. 
# 0 means unrestricted. You can append K or M (1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K). 
# To limit the overall download speed, use --max-overall-download-limit 
# option

# Enable parameterized URI support. 

# Validate chunk of data by calculating checksum while downloading 
# a file if chunk checksums are provided. 
# Default: true

# Save error/unfinished downloads to FILE on exit. 
# save-session=/data/Downloads/aria2.session

# Save error/unfinished downloads to a file specified by --save-session 
# option every SEC seconds. 
# If 0 is given, file will be saved only when aria2 exits.

# Stop application after SEC seconds has passed. 
# If 0 is given, this feature is disabled.

# Truncate console readout to fit in a single line.

2.4 启动 aria2 作为守护进程

# 首先创建 aria2 所需目录
mkdir /data/Downloads /data/aria2
# 启动 aria2
aria2c --conf-path ~/.aria2/aria2.conf -D

3. 在树莓派上安装 AriaNg,配置 Apache2 虚拟服务器

3.1 设置树莓派静态 IP 地址

  • 也可以在路由器上通过 MAC 地址绑定的方法分配固定的 IP 地址。
  • 建议通过有线网卡连接,要稳定不少。

编辑 /etc/dhcpcd.conf 来设置静态 IP 地址

sudo vim /etc/dhcpd.conf
interface eth0  # 有线网卡 eth0,无线网卡是 wlan0
static ip_address=  # 指定静态IP,/24表示子网掩码为
static routers=  # 路由器/网关IP地址
static domain_name_servers=  # 手动定义 DNS 服务器


sudo reboot

启动后,监测 IP 是否生效:

ip addr

3.2 安装 AriaNg

  1. 这里下载最新的 AraiNg。注意不要下载 AllInOne 版本
  2. 解压缩,并且移动到 /var/www/:
mkdir ariang
cd ariang
# 当前最新的是 1.0.0
wget https://github.com/mayswind/AriaNg/releases/download/1.0.0/AriaNg-1.0.0.zip
unzip AriaNg-1.0.0.zip
rm AriaNg-1.0.0.zip  # 删除安装包
cd ..
sudo mv ariang/ /var/www/  # 移动到 HTTP ROOT
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ariang  # 只能由 www-data 访问

3.3 配置虚拟服务器

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
vim 001-ariang.conf

文件 001-ariang.conf 的内容:

Listen 80
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

    DocumentRoot /var/www/ariang
    ServerName web.mydomain.net
    ServerAlias aria2.mydomain.net

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  • 树莓派上 http 访问采用默认的 80 端口
  • AriaNg 所在的目录作为 Http document root

重新启动 Apache2 服务:

sudo a2ensite 001-ariang.conf
sudo systemctl reload apache2

通过网络浏览器访问 ,应该就能够看到 AriaNg 的界面。

AriaNg Web 界面

然后,在 AriaNg 设置 / RPC ( 页面中,

  • 修改 RPC 端口为 6800,
  • 填写 Aria2 RPC 密钥 / Aria2 RPC Secret Token (即 your-rpc-token), 刷新后就可以连接上 aira2 服务。

Aria2 状态是“已连接”

4. 在树莓派上安装和配置 frpc 客户端

# 下载 frp,树莓派对应的是 arm 版
wget https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/download/v0.21.0/frp_0.21.0_linux_arm.tar.gz
tar zxvf frp_0.21.0_linux_arm.tar.gz
# 在 $HOME 创建 `frpc/` 目录
mkdir ~/frpc
# 移动 frpc 相关程序到 ~/frpc/
cd frp_0.21.0_linux_arm/
mv frpc frpc.ini ~/frpc/

cd ~/frpc

编辑 frpc.ini

  • 同样需要设置一个较复杂的 token。
# frpc.ini
server_addr = VPS IP 地址或域名
server_port = 7000  # frp 通讯端口,默认 7000
token = your-frp-token

log_file = frpc.log
log_level = info
log_max_days = 3

tcp_mux = true

login_fail_exit = true

protocol = tcp

pool_count = 5

type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 80
use_encryption = true
use_compression = true
custom_domains = web.mydomain.net

type = http
local_ip =
local_port = 6800
use_encryption = true
use_compression = true
custom_domains = aria2.mydomain.net

通过 screen 运行 frpc:

./ftpc -c frpc.ini

5. 在 VPS 安装和配置 frps 服务端

# 下载 frp,VPS 一般用 x64 版
wget https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/download/v0.21.0/frp_0.21.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar frp_0.21.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
# 在 $HOME 创建 `frps/` 目录
mkdir ~/frps
# 移动 frps 及相关文件到 ~/frps/
cd frp_0.21.0_linux_amd64/
mv frps frps.ini ~/frps

cd ~/frps

编辑 frps.ini

bind_port = 7000

bind_udp_port = 7001
kcp_bind_port = 7000

vhost_http_port = 8080  # 映射树莓派的 80 端口到 VPS 的 8080 端口
                        # 避免占用 VPS 的默认 Web 端口

vhost_http_timeout = 60
vhost_http_timeout = 60

dashboard_addr =
dashboard_port = 7005             # frp 监控网页端口
dashboard_user = frp_admin        # 用户名自己修改
dashboard_pwd = dashboard-passwd  # 自己修改

log_file = frps.log

log_level = info

log_max_days = 3

token = frp-token  # 与 frpc.ini 中的一致

# 限制可用端口范围
allow_ports = 6000-9000

max_pool_count = 5
max_ports_per_client = 0

authentication_timeout = 300

tcp_mux = true

type = http
custom_domains = web.mydomain.net,aria2.mydomain.net

通过 screen 运行 frps

./frps -c frps.ini

浏览器访问网址: http://web.mydomain.net:8080 就可以打开通过 VPS 穿透内网访问树莓派上的 AraiNg 网站。

然后,在 AriaNg 设置 / RPC (...) 页面里,

  • 修改 Aria2 RPC 地址aria2.mydomain.net
  • 端口 8080
  • 以及填写 Aria2 RPC 密钥 / Aria2 RPC Secret Token (即 your-rpc-token


刷新后,就能够通过 VPS 穿透内网连接到树莓派上的 aria2。

从此就可以愉快地下载了 。

6. 监控 frp 的运行

访问 http://web.mydomain.net:7005 (7005dashboard_port 端口),然后输入账号和密码:

frp dashboard Http