Install R and RStudio Using Scoop
- Kindly provided by Xu Meng.
This post descripts the way to install R and Rstudio in Windows using Scoop.
This post descripts the way to install R and Rstudio in Windows using Scoop.
A R version supports more than one version of Bioconductor. To take advantange of new features, users have to update Bioconductor packages regularly.
Here are some miscellaneous tips for working on RStudio and writing R Markdown file. This blog will be updated from time to time.
See also:
I have introduced how to install R and RStudio Server before. But free version of RStudio Server lack of many security features, especially SSL.
This post introduces to secure RStudio Server by an Nginx reverse proxy.
This post introduces how to complie latest R for RStidio, and install RStudio Server in a Debian host.